(The return of the Prodigal Son by Rembrandt Van Rijn)

Welcome friends,

Grasping Grace is a lifelong journey, I am glad you joined us as we reflect on our lives and grow in our understanding and the necessity of grace in our daily life. Though many talk about grace, very few can understand or experience grace like the prodigal son did in the gospel of Luke. When I think about grace, this painting by Rembrandt comes to my mind, probably one of the best visual depiction of God’s grace. 

Rembrandt Van Rijn often simply referred as Rembrandt was a famous Dutch painter in the 17th century (1606 – 1669). He is considered one of the greatest visual artists of all time. Shortly before his death in 1669 he finished his last painting called “The Return of the Prodigal Son” which is now in a museum in St Petersburg. This painting is so famous that several books are written trying to interpret this single painting. Several critics mention that this could be a reflection of his own spiritual journey and the greatest of all his paintings.

A careful observation of this classic painting displays the father’s genuine forgiveness and love for his son who left him with his money. It also portrays the pathetic condition of the son who left home rich but returned to his father in his filthy clothes, dirty feet and worn out shoes. The poverty and destitution of the son is in direct contrast to the lavishness and gracious embrace of the father. Though each of our stories are very different in details, the theme is the same for all of us sinners who rejected God’s love for the temporary pleasures of this world, and when we came to our senses we returned to our heavenly father who graciously and joyfully received us into his kingdom. I am pleased that you joined this journey as we explore our spiritual poverty, experience God’s love and grow in God’s grace. Welcome to Grasping Grace.

Your friend in this journey

Rev. Dr. Francis Burgula