It’s really interesting how people question God and his power during natural calamities. I wonder why people do not talk about God when everything looks normal. Is it possible that God is rocking our boat to teach us something? Well, I do not have all the answers to the questions people ask, but one thing I do know from the Bible is that our God is a sovereign God (Ps 115:3, Nahum 1: 1-5) and nothing happens without his knowledge or permission.

Hurricane Katrina caused such devastation that it totally changed the lives of many millions living in the Gulf States. Millions have evacuated their homes and are living without electricity and basic necessities, while many others have lost their loved ones and homes. It is a tragedy beyond our comprehension. I think as Christians we need to specially pray for these people and do our best in helping the victims of this hurricane.

I wonder why people do not talk about God when everything looks normal. Is it possible that God is rocking our boat to teach us something?

As I watched the news and saw different pictures of the Hurricane I am reminded of these three important lessons in life. First, it does not take too long for us to lose all our physical possessions here on earth. It just took a few minutes in some cases where people lost their cars, houses and everything in it. If material possessions are the only things we have in this journey of life, all it takes is just one natural calamity to lose it all in a few minutes. Let’s ask ourselves what will remain or sustain after a storm like this? 

It does not take too long for us to lose all our physical possessions here on earth…all it takes for us to lose everything is just one storm.

Secondly, we have too little control on our lives. Even though we have so much technology, equipment, and knowledge of our surroundings, the death of hundreds of people reminds us that we do not control life. Since we do not control our world or our lives, let us be humble in recognizing our limits and appreciate the gift of life and the gift of family and friends.

Thirdly, hurricanes and storms bring us closer to some realities of life which we probably ignore and forget while we are comfortably enjoying the pleasures of life. This could just be God’s way of warning us or bringing us back to the reality of life. As C S Lewis said “God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our consciences, but shouts in our pains. It is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world.”

Chuck Swindoll says “Life is literally filled with God – appointed storms…but two things should comfort us in the midst of daily lightning and thunder and rain and wind. First, these squalls surge across everyone’s horizon. God has no favorite actors who always get the leading role. Second, we all need them. God has no other method more effective. The massive blows and shattering blasts smooth us, humble us, and compel us to submit to His script and His chosen role for our lives”. Whatever calamities you are going through in life right now, remember that God is with you and he is using your life to fulfil his eternal plans.

“Life is literally filled with God – appointed storms…The massive blows and shattering blasts smooth us, humble us, and compel us to submit to His script…”

– – Author: Rev. Francis Burgula – –