What’s your excuse?

“Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses” said George Washington Carver. The word “excuse” literally means a defense or explanation for some failure, it’s often the projected reason why somebody could not do something. But more often than not, an excuse is not the genuine or real…

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Things to FORGET

Jill Price, 42, can remember every part of her life, she baffled doctors with her ability to remember every detail of every day since she was 14. She is the first diagnosed case of a memory condition called “hyperthymestic syndrome” in which a person can continuously and automatically recall all details of each day. Give…

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Life without God

“Man is the Cosmic Orphan. He is the only creature in the universe who asks, “Why?” Other animals have instincts to guide them, but man has learned to ask questions” writes Loren Eiseley a distinguished scientist. Among all the questions man could ever ask probably the most complex and difficult questions are the questions of…

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Disappointed with God?

“Disappointment with God does not come only in dramatic circumstances…it edges unexpectedly into the mundaneness of everyday life…no one is immune to the downward spiral of disappointment. It happens to people like the televangelists and it happens to ordinary Christians: first comes disappointment, then a seed of doubt, then a response of anger or betrayal”…

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