Deified men

From the beginning of human history Satan has cleverly tricked a people in all ages with the greatest lie ever told. Generation after generation he was successful in subtly changing the wrapper of this lie and constantly deceiving people with his seductive hiss “You will be like God”. Of course we all know that eating…

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Jealousy is often called the green eyed monster. We witness jealousy almost everywhere; it’s not just confined to politics and Hollywood. It is occasionally seen among family members and even among Christians. It is a very strong emotion that has the power to blind us from reality and can enslave us for the rest of…

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False Alarms

Did you know that false alarms not only cost millions of dollars for the government but also waste thousands of man hours. On the 11th of September this year I was watching the news and heard the story of the airplane that left Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport and was heading towards San Francisco – its destination.…

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It’s an irony that many of us are often surrounded by crowds, yet are very lonely inside. Peggy Noonan says “The biggest problem in America, the biggest problem in any modern, industrialized society, is loneliness”. Loneliness is a very common problem, almost everyone feels lonely one time or the other. It is important to distinguish…

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“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” said Ralph Emerson. It’s common for us to hear excuses and reasons why some people cannot achieve much in life. Too many people believe that their life is controlled by the circumstances that surround them. It is…

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The art of listening

We live in a world that advocates, advertises and glorifies “multi-tasking” (doing several things at the same time). Listening to music or radio while driving, watching TV and eating, business luncheons, browsing the internet while talking to someone on cell phone…etc are all so common in our daily lives. It may be a good thing…

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