“The problem is not that there are problems. The problem is expecting otherwise and thinking that having problems is a problem” says Theodore Rubin. The main problem in life is not that we have problems but that we are constantly seeking for a magical solution that can completely eliminate all kinds of problems in our earthly life. It is perfectly understandable why people avoid or dislike problems, but what puzzles me most is the fact that there are people who promise others and who really believe that there is a simple way of eliminating all problems in life.

“The only people without problems are those in cemeteries” says Anthony Robbins. I do not know of any living person who can honestly say that they really have no problems to deal with in life. Problems are just part of our life here on earth, whether one is a Christian or not does not alter the fact that we still have to deal with problems of life. I was reading a very interesting chapter written by Charles Swindoll that inspired me to write this article. In his book “Three steps forward two steps back”, Swindoll describes “the four spiritual flaws” that many believe about Christian life and problems. Here are the four common misconceptions identified by Swindoll with my personal comments:

The main problem in life is not that we have problems but that we are constantly seeking for a magical solution that can completely eliminate all kinds of problems in our earthly life.

“Flaw 1: Because you are a Christian, all your problems are solved. We do a great disservice to an unbeliever when we bait him by saying, “Come to Christ and all your problems will be over.” The Bible never says that. It promises that we will be new creatures; it assures us that we will have a destiny that is secure; but it does not guarantee a downhill slide once Christ comes into a person’s life. In fact, in some instances problems increase and the road gets rougher!” The assumption that faith in God will eliminate problems and make our paths easy is totally unbiblical and misleading. What the Bible promises is not an easy road, it just promises that our shepherd will walk with us (in some cases carry us) even when we walk through the valleys of shadow of death.

What the Bible promises is not an easy road, it just promises that our shepherd will walk with us (in some cases carry us) even when we walk through the valleys of shadow of death.

“Flaw 2: All the problems you will ever have are addressed in the Bible. They are not. It is very unwise for us to make broad, sweeping statements in areas where the Scriptures do not speak. There are many times when we don’t find an explicit answer in Scripture for our particular problem. At such times we are forced to walk by faith, trusting the Lord to show us the next step as it is needed. The Bible simply does not offer a specific answer to every problem in life.” I don’t think I will be able to carry the Bible if it had to address all my problems in life, leave alone the problems of the world. The Bible is not a search engine with answers for our specific problems; it is God’s word guiding us in understanding God’s plan for our life.

“Flaw 3: If you are having problems, you are unspiritual. Isn’t it a shame that this idea is conveyed in so many places today? Having a problem simply proves you are human! We all have problems, and you’re not unspiritual because you are wrestling with a dilemma. As a matter of fact, some of the most spiritual men and women I have ever known have wrestled with some of the deepest problems life ever offers.” Pain and problems are not always the result of personal sin or lack of spirituality; it just comes with the territory of living in a sinful and fallen world. Job was a righteous man, yet he suffered a lot, he had problems that were unbearable and unexplainable. So the next time you see someone with deep problems don’t immediately conclude that he or she is unspiritual. In fact people become spiritually mature not by avoiding problems, but by placing their complete trust in God and growing through those trials and troubles.

“Flaw 4: Being exposed to sound Bible teaching automatically solves problems. Bible instruction alone will not result in instant solutions to problems. No matter how reliable the teaching or how gifted the teacher, the declaration of truth does not provide the removal of difficulties.” Yes, it is very important to be part of a church where the Bible is faithfully taught, but the information alone cannot solve our problems or change our lives. That is why the apostle James warns us in James 1:22 “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” It is not the exposure to the truth, but the application of the truth in our daily life that equips us to face the challenges of life. So if you are still struggling with problems though you have been a Christian for many years….welcome to the club. Remember the only people without problems are on the other side of the ground. Thank God for the hope he has given us beyond our problems.

Pain and problems are not always the result of personal sin or lack of spirituality; it just comes with the territory of living in a sinful and fallen world. Job was a righteous man, yet he suffered a lot, he had problems that were unbearable and unexplainable.

– – Author: Rev. Francis Burgula – –