Let me invite you to a journey, a journey back in time (like traveling back in a time machine), lets rewind human history by 2000 years to witness the most significant event in human history that has changed the destiny of mankind more than anything else that has ever happened or taken place. Jerusalem was filled with people gathering from all over the world to celebrate the Passover. This was an annual routine for many of these Jews who came to Jerusalem every year to participate in the Passover and to witness many lambs being sacrificed as atonement for their sins. But this Passover was different, very different from all the previous Passovers, because in the midst of the thousands of lambs that were sacrificed during that time in Jerusalem the Lamb of God that has come to take away the sin of all mankind is also being crucified in public on the mount of Golgotha. Let’s move closer to the cross to see what’s going on there.


Some of these visitors who walked into the city of Jerusalem with Jesus a week ago actually sang “Hosanna to the Son of David!” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Hosanna in the highest!” (Matt 21:9). Many of them had no clue as to what happened between the entry to Jerusalem a few days ago and this Friday. For those of us who are familiar with the Passion Week, we know that a lot has happened between these days. After the triumphal entry, Jesus taught many parables, cursed the fig tree, cleansed the temple, prayed in Gethsemane and was taken to different trials both with Herod and Pilate…etc. While Jesus was going through this ordeal, Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 silver coins, Peter denied him three times, and almost all his disciples fled from him by the time he was hanging on the cross. Since this was a public spectacle there were many who were witnessing the crucifixion of Jesus and the other two thieves. For many of them they were just three bad guys who were punished for their evil deeds, but there was hardly anyone there who could see what God was doing through this most cruel and unjust event in human history. Nobody at the foot of the cross thought that anything good can ever come out of this Good Friday.

Nobody at the foot of the cross thought that anything good can ever come out of this Good Friday.

Obviously different people at the cross had different views of who this man Jesus was. Some thought that he was a good teacher and a kind man but he was punished because he made blasphemous claims. Some thought that he was a rebel against Roman Empire that is why he was being crucified. It’s very fascinating to study all the comments made by different people around the cross (if you have a chance try reading all the final chapters of the gospels that describe the crucifixion, you will be amazed at the chaos that was going on). According to Luke 23, the people who stood watching and the rulers sneered at him saying “He saved others; let him save himself if he is the Christ”. The soldiers mocked him saying “If you are the king of the Jews, save yourself”. Even a criminal who was hanging with him on the other cross hurled insults saying “Aren’t you the Christ? Save yourself and us!” Literally everyone provoked Jesus, while some provoked Jesus to prove his innocence; others provoked him to prove his power and divinity.

It takes more guts and power to hang in there when you are unfairly judged, mocked and insulted than to just come down the cross and destroy all your enemies.

There were many things that were not clear for those who stood at the foot of the cross, but one of the most troubling things for people was to see him remain silent while these soldiers and people were insulting him, spitting on his face, and mocking him “This is the King of the Jews”. Some of these people have seen him perform great miracles like feeding the thousands, calming the storm, healing the sick, driving away demons and even raising dead people. If Jesus was truly who he claimed to be: the son of the Living God, the Messiah, and the king of the Jews, why isn’t he doing anything to prove his innocence or power.

It takes more guts and power to hang in there when you are unfairly judged, mocked and insulted than to just come down the cross and destroy all your enemies. Jesus’ resistance to retaliate or pay back is not because he was powerless, but because he was so powerful that nothing, literally nothing, no insults, no mockery, no provoking, no spit, no thorns, no nails and no cross would stop him from doing what he came to do, to give his life as a ransom for our sins. In the words of an unknown saint “It was not the nails that held Christ to the cross, but His love for you and me.” Jesus was a man with a mission; He was born to die, his primary mission was to save you and me from our sins and this was only possible if he willingly remained on the cross and paid the penalty.

Jesus was not a helpless or powerless man who was hanging on the cross on that long Friday afternoon, he was the creator of this universe, the almighty God who could do anything he wants, but as Max Lucado says “He chose the nails”. Jesus chose the crown of mockery over the crown of glory, he chose the cross over the throne in heaven, and He chose you and me over himself and his own dignity. Jesus chose to die, so that we can live forever. My friend, Good Friday is only good for you, if you have experienced the gift of forgiveness that was made possible to us because “he chose the nails”. Enjoy the gift that truly can change your life and destiny.

Good Friday is only good for you, if you have experienced the gift of forgiveness

– – Author: Rev. Francis Burgula – –